Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Let's Talk About Weight Loss

So, I've decided to turn a new leaf. I'm going to kick that nasty habit of eating nothing but bullshit all the time. 

Let's be honest, we've all said those words how many times? We've all started some ridiculous diet that takes a ton of money to start up, leaves us cranky and hungry, and we end up going right back to our old ways. I know what you're thinking right now, this is another add for another one of those stupid diets; wrong. 

I'm not a nutritionist. I'm not an expert. I don't know what miracle food just came out that will make you drop fifty pounds, just like that! I can't make you lose ten pounds in seven days. So, if you're looking for a quick miracle, this is not the post for you. 

Here's what I can tell you about diets. My mother has spent my entire life trying to shed the baby weight she gained while pregnant with me. She has tried Slim fast, weight watchers, neutrasystem, every detox diet known to man, and guess what? Each time she stops those ridiculous diets she is right back where she started, plus twenty pounds give or take. So, put away your wallet. Unless, of course, you're going grocery shopping. 

So, what is the real point of this post? Well, it's definitely weight loss, mine in fact. I'm now in my early twenties, and I have never been thin. I've always been uncomfortable with my body, to the point that once I had an eating disorder. Now, I'm ready to lose weight again; the right way. 

What is the right way? If you scan the internet, you'll probably find a million posts just like this one, all promising the same thing. I'm not going to promise you anything. All I'm going to do is give you a piece of advice. 

Stop fad dieting!!!

That's right. Stop paying for diets. In fact, stop "dieting" all together. 

Did she just say stop dieting?!? 

Yes. Yes I did. 

But, Ellie, how can you lose weight without dieting? 

Well, are you losing weight while dieting? Really? I feel like if you were you wouldn't be here. 

I'm going to tell you the only thing that will help you lose weight and keep it off. Instead of dieting, change your diet. Your daily diet, your forever diet. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is if you change your whole way of thinking and start being an overall more healthy person. 

First, go to your cabinets right now. Do you see chips? Cookies, snack cakes, boxed pasta dinners? Throw them away. Just throw them all in the trash, and start over. 

Second, when buying your food, never go hungry. Make a list, and stick to your list. Buy healthy food. Raw vegetables, lean protein, fresh fruits. Avoid anything boxed, prepackaged, or made with tons of preservatives. Avoid all cereals. They are all sugar, over processed, and typically have little true nutritional value, especially the ones that claim to be "for weightloss" or "organic" products. I have a gluten intolerance, so I don't even buy bread. Also, I dropped ten pounds the month I stopped eating white potatoes. Just extra things to consider.  

Third, begin an exercise regimine. No, you don't have to get a gym membership and spend everyday there, but exercise is important. Even if all you do is take a walk before work every morning, that is something. Start small, work your way up, and stay motivated. You can even add exercise to your daily activities. Park farther from the entrance to the store, take the stairs, get up from your desk more often, or even stand while there. The only thing that matters is that you're moving. 

Fourth, don't count calories, do maintain portions. Sometimes things with fewer calories are worse for you, so just counting calories isn't going to help you lose weight. Focus on what you're eating, rather than its calorie content. However, you need to maintain portions. See the food triangle, or any nutritionist website for the proper ones for your age, gender, and weight. 

Fifth, it's okay to go out sometimes, so long as it isn't everyday. It's okay to have a cookie. Sometimes. As long as you don't eat the whole box. It's okay to have a lazy day as long as you are exercising most of the time. Being healthy isn't about living a sad life with yucky food. 

Lastly, give your body a month before you start wondering why you haven't lost any weight yet. Typically your current weight reflects what you did two to four weeks ago, so stay motivated for at least that long. This is the real reason most diets fail. After a month, you could become concerned, but honestly, what can hurt from simply being more healthy? 

I hope this helps. Also, don't worry so much. Keep confident, and keep your head up. Check Pinterest for good recipes for healthy foods. You may even consider smoothies as an option. I know a few fantastic recipe options. 

Thanks for reading! 

